In the past I haven't bothered with New Years Resolutions. Since my goals were basically to get all my homework turned in. I thought now was a good time to start having some since I don't have project deadlines and it is really easy to become complacent. Having your goals written out increases your chances of actually working towards them, or so I've heard. So here are just a few goals I came up with that are attainable and not too overwhelming.
1. Cook more often- I do not LOVE to cook but I do love food. A lot. Tj and I watch cooking shows like crazy and we have become such food snobs that average food does not satisfy our cravings. Since dining at five star restaurants with chefs like Gordon Ramsey just isn't financially (or geographically) possible, I need to learn to make really yummy food myself. There are a few things I cook really well but overall I have very limited abilities. Dinner on the table every night isn't realistic but I would like to go for at least two new recipes a week. The only thing holding me back is the clean up part....
2. Take more pride in my home- I watch way too much HGTV and it results in me wanting to renovate everything and getting bummed out that I can't afford to do so. I also browse interiors on Pinterest religiously which also doesn't help my home envy. I have a very nice apartment and I am very lucky. 50% of the reason I get unhappy with it is usually because Tj and I are both pretty messy people. After it is all sparkling clean I am a lot more satisfied. I want to focus more on what I CAN do to make my place a home instead of having all these unrealistic expectations. The most important thing is that it is inviting and feels like "me" (I say me and not us because Tj really couldn't care less about decor). I am going to do this by cleaning more regularly and making one small improvement at a time even if its just hanging a picture.
3. Become an awesome mom!- I know this is vague, but since I am inevitably going to become a mom in just about 9 weeks, I wanted to include a mom related goal. I haven't been a mom before so I honestly don't know where to start. I guess I just want to try and do the best I can but also not be too hard on myself when I make amateur mistakes. I want to enjoy the little moments spent with my Daughter in her first year . I know it will cruise on by and I tend to not be very good at living in the moment, especially when sleep deprived. I also would like to document all my new experiences with her as often as I can through blogging/pictures etc.
Sooo I think that is a pretty good start for now. I have other goals for art and design but I feel that these things are more important right now, so I'd like to keep my list simple.
I just know this year is going to be amazing.
LOVE This Kat! You are amazing, miss you a lot!