Personal Victory

It's amazing how slight changes can affect the start of your day so much. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. today. That is unheard of but since Tj was up to go into work early there was no going back to sleep. These days it is so hard for me to stay asleep. As soon as I even slightly wake up the heartburn and anxiety starts up and I can't relax. Usually when I wake up I groggily play with my iphone, browse reddit and dread starting the day, already unmotivated and bored. For some reason today I decided to pull out my scriptures instead, for the first time in months. I am not going to get all preachy in this post (you can read about what I believe here) but just that small reminder of why I am on earth gave me such a positive start to my day.

That may not seem like a big deal to anyone else but it felt huge to me.  Throughout my pregnancy I have been in a major rutt. I've really struggled with the emotional rollar coaster my hormones bestowed upon me and haven't felt like myself. There is no better way to feel like myself than to be reminded that I am a daughter of god. I am here to learn and grow, not pass the time. That realization is my small victory for today. It's good to feel normal again. I am going to try and keep it up by laying off technology for a little while. I am waaaay too addicted to my phone so I need to start grabbing a book or a pencil instead.

On another note, today I have my 34 week ultrasound. I am very excited to have another peek at baby girl. Tj will be leaving work early to come with me. It is always so special to share these times with him. Only 5 more weeks until we are a family of three! The nursery is coming along and we are almost ready. I will definitely post pictures of it when it is finished. Its going to be the cutest room in my house for sure. :)


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