
This is a blog about me, Kat Roberts. I know super creative title. However, I change my mind A LOT and I didn't want to pick a name that I felt limited what I blog about. After using the excuse of thinking of a blog name for months I decided to just go with my name so I can start writing.

 So a little about me, I have been married for about a year now to the sweetest guy in the world and I five months pregnant with a baby girl(coming march 11th!). I am a graphic designer/oil painter and I am currently working from home for a design company while also "working on" personal projects. Since being pregnant I have kind of felt like I am in limbo. I am not sure how else to describe it. I just felt like I couldn't do anything except focus on growing a baby. Partially from being so tired and partially just from...not knowing what to do with myself. I knew my whole life would never be the same once this little girl comes and I had kind of a mental block on self progression. Although I am very excited for this baby to be a part of our litte family the pregnancy hormones have prevented me from feeling like myself. For the first few months I will admit I was ridiculously lazy and let any creative aspirations I have fall to the wayside. As March draws nearer I have felt more of an urgency to do things that I won't have as much time to do later. I will of course still be able to do the things I love but I want to make sure I get to fit in as many projects as I can before she comes. I will never have more time than I do now.

 This is the reason I am starting this blog. I really needed a place to help keep my thoughts organized. Documenting memories and projects I am working on is the best way I know how to do that. I tend to get very overwhelmed by my ideas. There are so many artsy things I want to learn/make that I don't know which thing to start with and I just end up shutting down and watching netflix instead. Maybe I have attention span issues :)

Hopefully with this blog I can stay on task. My posts, like this one may get a little ramble-y and they may be all over the place content wise but I am okay with that. I am doing this for myself. It is officially time for me to stop making excuses and being a lazy pregnant lady because no one can make me feel happy but me.